A few weeks ago I needed a few integer values whose hexadecimal values were clearly recognizable when debugging -- magic numbers. I did a search on the web for a list of good magic number, which I was sure would exist, but couldn't find any. I ended up using
which I thought were pretty good.
Then I made a mistake: I decided that I should make that list of magic numbers if no one else would. It wasn't until I was done that that I realized the depth of pointlessness of the thing I had just done. But here it is: a list of all hexadecimal words that are meaningful in the english language, in the form of a google spreadsheet. As proof of the words' meaningfulness each word has a link to a dictionary or encyclopedia describing the meaning. Most of them are pretty obscure -- like dace, a small fish, or eba, a food eaten in West Africa. However, some are pretty meaningful (scroll down to see the list, for some reason blogger messes up the formatting):
ace | A playing card |
bad | Not good; unfavorable; negative |
bead | A small decorative object |
bee | A flying insect |
beef | Culinary name for meat from bovines |
cab | A type of public transport |
cafe | A coffee-shop |
dad | Father |
dead | Bereft of life |
deaf | Insensitive to sound |
decade | A period of 10 years |
decaf | Decaffeinated coffee |
fabaceae | A family of flowering plants |
facade | The front of a building |
face | The front part of the head |
The next time I or anyone else has to come up with a magic number it should be a lot easier. I'll try to ignore the fact that I probably spent ten times as long compiling this list as any programmer spends inventing magic numbers in a lifetime.